On Thursday morning I was busy working when our mail room guy made a special delivery. Bruce sent me flowers at work! It was to celebrate me rocking the first semester of school but all the mothers were jealous. I got the first delivery. My husband takes such great care of me.

In other news... For the last month, Bruce and I have made an effort to hit the beach. On Saturday we went to Sand Key Beach where we had our engagement pictures taken. I never blog about it because I feel like it is kind of boring without a picture. Well I finally took a picture of Bruce collecting seashells for our neices in Utah and to prove that I was there I stuck my foot in the picture. It was a beautiful day and the water was warmer then it has been the last three times so it is much more enjoyable now to go to the beach. I shall miss our walks on the beach next weekend as I will be in Utah but we have already discussed braving the crowds and going to the beach memorial day weekend.

Fun! You are a stinker! You make it sound like you are going to the park!