My hard working husband did make it home last night from Miami. The business went excellent down there and although he is tired he is excited to see how well business is going. But the best news is that in a week and a half gets 10 minutes with AT&T executives. There is a conference in Las Vegas that he will be going to from March 31st to April 3rd and about a month ago found an application to spend 10 minutes with AT&T executives. He spent the time filling it out knowing it was a great opportunity. Well his time and energy were well spent because he found out that he got in. Here is the letter he received. I am so proud of him!
Dear Fast-Pitch Registrant,
Thank you for entering the AT&T Fast-Pitch Platinum Awards at CTIA Wireless 2009. Your entry has successfully passed the first round of review and you have been chosen to participate in the in-person Enterprise Fast-Pitch. This will be the semi-final and final round of reviews for the Enterprise Fast-Pitch Platinum Awards. In this email you will find all the information about your session. Please follow these guidelines to help ensure your best possible Fast-Pitch!
Your FastPitch Session has been scheduled for:
Day: Thursday, April 2, 2009
Time: ***omitted so no one else can steal it
Please come to the AT&T Meeting Room at least 15 minutes early to make sure you have everything in order and we start on time. Remember- you have only 10 minutes to pitch your application!
Guidelines for the FastPitch include:
You have 10 minutes for your entire session, so practice your actual pitch and keep it to 3 minutes.
Arrive with 1 completed copy of the attached Interview Form.
Have your application running on a mobile device so that we can see it in action.
Your FastPitch session will be segmented as follows:
The first 3 minutes will be spent reviewing the demo and collecting basic data (application type, vertical/horizontal targets, platforms and devices). (This will go faster with your Interview Form pre-filled.)
The second 3 minutes will be focused on collecting data about the current and projected demand for the application.
The third 3 minutes of questioning will be about ease of integration with AT&T systems.
Keep in mind that your application will be reviewed on a number of criteria, including but not limited to:
Market penetration and appeal
Vertical and horizontal market targets
Devices and platforms supported Ease of integration with AT&T systems
AT&T is a huge company and this opportunity means a lot for him and his business (winners get $5,000 cash and AT&T's approval to do business with their retailers). I know he is nervous about the presentation but I have great faith in him and I know he will do great! Congratulations Mr. Burke!
2 days ago
Congratulations Bruce! That is so neat and I wish you luck! Just be yourself!