The vacation has officially started and I have to say it is going splendid. Yes I have got some much needed relaxing in already!!!

Now I am currently at my work station - the bar in the kitchen. There is a window behind the fridge that looks out to the pool and I am watching guys throw a football.

Shirley has been relaxing as well.

Are you noticing a theme? Bruce has been working and relaxing. He is a great multi tasker.

Our cute little beach cottage is 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It has a fully equipped kitchen, screened in patio and is 400 ft from the beach. I want to move here! There will be more pictures coming. I am considering taking a bike out for cruise - yes they even have free bikes here on the property. I haven't ridden a bike in 7 years! Wish me luck.
Well you deserve it! All work and school and no play! Enjoy every minute babe!