The dinner theme was Italian and I put together an antipasto bar with meats, cheeses, mushrooms, artichokes, and peppers for appetizers. I posted pictures on facebook so check them out. For dinner it was lasagna, salad, and bread sticks. I love the simplicity of it all. The only problem was a huge storm that turned off our electricity twice for short periods and caused the oven to turn off (that was cooking the lasagna) - causing much stress on me. I was praying for my life. It worked out ok.
We took some family pictures last night- Bruce, Shirley, Lisa, George, and Pat.
This is a cute picture of Bruce and his mom...
that they are using for their commercials so of course it was Baskin Robbins cake. Chocolate cake with Rocky Road ice cream - really good even if it was melted. It was so hot in the kitchen that the 30 minutes it sat out on the counter like the directions said melted it. Oh well. Lesson learned.
For Bruce- I love you. I am so happy that I could put together this party for you. It was my pleasure seeing a smile on your face all evening long. You deserve the best and all the happiness in the world for putting up with me and my crazy life. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Bruce! What a fun way to celebrate your birthday! The cake looks yummy!