Bruce and I have been together 6 years... an amazing amount of time and something I am very proud of. So what do you do for your six year anniversary? Well we decided to buy a fridge. Now our old fridge was not broken and was only 2 years old but the freezer was on top and it was only 18 cubic feet. Since I have been doing the majority of cooking on Sunday for the rest of the week, our fridge was overflowing Sunday and it was hard to fit everything. Then there is the fact that Bruce is tall and hates bending over which he had to do to get into our fridge.
Now I present you the new fridge - GE profile bottom freezer.

My favorite new thing is the basket for soda cans - holds 12 cans and is tilted forward so the cans roll to the front. We are diet coke fans and this make it so easy.

I have so much more room in our freezer too. Three drawers to fill up...
Bruce and I love the new fridge. I bet none of you can tell that we got it from Sears outlet and there is 1 small tiny dent in the front. At a normal Sears this would have cost us $2299 but we got it for $1034 at Sears Outlet.
Now I have to give a shout out to Bruce because we got our new fridge on Thursday and so we decided to post the old fridge for sale on Craig's List to see if we could get it sold by the weekend. He had it sold before noon on Thursday for our asking price and the guy even waited till our new fridge was delivered to come pick up the old one. Bruce is a great salesman and great husband - because I was at work for all the food transferring and fridge cleaning. Thank you for all you did.
Nice fridge! You chose well.